‘Search by Products
‡˜Vanilla Beans
‡˜Domestic Flavor
‡˜Concentrated Paste
‘Search by Tastes
‡˜Type Vanilla
‡˜Type Fruits1
‡˜Type Fruits2
‡˜Type Black tea
‡˜Type Maccha(Green tea)
‡˜Type Coffee
‡˜Type Chocolate
‡˜Type Vegetables
‡˜Type Herbs, Flowers
‡˜Type Nuts
‡˜Type Dairy Products Type
‡˜Type Sweets
‡˜Type Liquor
‡˜Type Refreshing Beverage
‘How to use
(Under Constraction)
‡˜Domestic Flavor
(Under Constraction)
‡˜Concentrated Paste1
‡˜Concentrated Paste2
‡˜Concentrated Paste3
(Under Constraction)
‘Company Infomation
‡˜Outline of Company
@ These refreshing beverage type flavors include cider, cola, and soda etc, suitable for cool confections like jelly.
This type of flavors gives the refreshing taste and aroma to your confections.
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Suitable for Jelly
Soda Essence No. 1993
@ Its strong aroma suits jelly very well.
It features its characteristic carbonic feeling and grace sweetness of citrus.
@ @ @
Expression of Household beverage
Cola Flavor TU1016
@ It features refreshing carbonic feeling, has strong aroma.
@ @ @
Refreshing Sweetness
Soda Flavor AA1104
@ This flavor features its carbonic feeling and refreshing strong aroma.
Concentrated Paste
@ @ @
Whip Taste Soda
@ This paste features clear blue colors and refreshing taste and aroma. Besides this, there is fruity sweetness.
Widely applicable to most of the confections.
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